Whenever I'm in the toilet...

Whenever I'm in the toilet...
...and i see a spider...i just don't go

If you were to hug something, it would be:

Spiderchat right here! (Whoa I keep adding "spider" before every word... I'm a spidermon!)

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Faty's Back, Tell a Friend!

Hey, watup… It’s Faty. The real thing! It’s been so long since I wrote here… I was being lazy, procrastinating, and didn’t have a lot to write about… Well I did but not too much!

Actually yeah it was too much… which made me feel even lazier!


Umm… what to say… I’ve been doing fine. Sure, my life is so bipolar… One day I’m the happiest person alive, the evening of the same day I go emo, the next day I go through withdrawal syndromes, the next day I smile like an idiot and dance all day while singing songs with my horrible voice in order to fight away the depression, the same night I’m happy again, at midnight I’m so depressed I try to hurt myself, the next morning I skip breakfast because I’m too upset, and just then I get a phone call and I’m freakishly happy again.

Wow that was looooong!

… Boh, I dunno… I guess that no matter what happens everything always turns out right. So why do I get so depressed sometimes? Because if there’s something that I HATE… it’s WAITING. I hate WAITING… for a happy occasion, for a funeral, for somebody to call me, for a notice, a signal… anything!

“Waiting for the end to come, wishing I had strength to stand… This is not what I had planned… It’s out of my control.
Flying at the speed of light, thoughts are spinning in my head… So many things were left unsaid… It’s hard to let you go.
I know what it takes to move on… I know how it feels to lie. All I wanna do is trade this life for something new, holding onto what I haven’t got.”

So like, these are lyrics from Waiting for the End by Linkin Park. Gawdd I simply love this song. Instead of writing a whole biography of what’s been happenng to me, I could just summarize it in one song!

Uh, anyway… I don’t have anything to tell you that would genuinely interest you except this. A lot has happened in my life… Let’s just say I’m happy for now. I’m waiting for what’s to come in the end, but weirdly enough I’m not too impatient. You shoudn’t be either.


~You are now officially spider kissed :*

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