Whenever I'm in the toilet...

Whenever I'm in the toilet...
...and i see a spider...i just don't go

If you were to hug something, it would be:

Spiderchat right here! (Whoa I keep adding "spider" before every word... I'm a spidermon!)

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Monday, April 4, 2011

Italian Bananas? Not really.

Holla people, it's Faty and I landed in Italy yesterday at aorund 7pm, Italian time. I would like to start by saying that I don't like the bananas they usually sell in Rome; rather I like the ones in Bangladesh, I believe they're called baby bananas, and for now they're my favorite (in response to the previous post where Fary asked which is or favorite type of banana, if I heard correctly). And no, it's not a baby dressed like a banana.

Baby bananas are smaller than your hands. They are bright yellow, sweet and creamy. It is a good source of vitamin B6.

Anywho back to talk about Italy. It took me awhile to get out of the airport because we had to first wait for 2 hours before the baggage belt even started moving. And when it did, people from another flight came to the same belt to take THEIR baggage. So it was very crowdy, and since I flew with some really retarded people, it took longer because 1. EVERY SINGLE EFFIN MEMBER of ONE SINGLE FAMILY crowded the place. 2. They out their baggage carts near the belt for more traffic! and 3. People who didn't even need to be near the belt, for eg. women with baby children, were crowding the place. Gawd, people, have some common sense! I never really wanna fly with Biman Airlines again! But I had to because mine was an updown ticket and it was much cheaper. Fortunately for the rest of the year i will be flying with Emirates... but then again those bastards almost always delay! And food in Dubai is kinda gross <.< The airplane food is good, but the moccha you can buy in Dubai is eww!

When I got out of the airport and went home, it didn't feel like I came to a different country. And by that I don't mean that Dhaka and Rome are the same (heck NO), but that I didn't really feel any different. I usually did. I guess it's because I didn't really care any more about the differences. Or maybe I was just missing someone.

Anyway, now my skin is all dry and I haven't even changed or anything... I sleep an average of 10 hours, but I slept like 15 hours today, I was so tired. I really need to get moving and clean the place, because men are dirty people by nature and they tend to not keep their places clean (thank you Daddy for proclaiming me maid while you go out to earn money).

Wish me luck, My exams start in... (looks up at the countdown gadget thingy)... 35 days, 20 hours, and 4 minutes, so I gotta make time to clean up, have fun in Rome, as well as study hard to get that freakin scholarship. Nothing YOU would be familiar with. You're just sitting there enjoying that baby banana.

Welcome to my life, bitchez!

Banana kiss.

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