Whenever I'm in the toilet...

Whenever I'm in the toilet...
...and i see a spider...i just don't go

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Monday, October 10, 2011

Animal Testing


Hi guys. Lately I've become somehow aware of animal testing - used in the testing for everyday products... After I watched videos of animal testing, I was horrified. I was so horrified I couldn't stop thinking about it. I decided to do a little research and I found these two videos that are quite informative - they don't only point out the inhumanity in these methods, but they also explain that it is not scientifically supported... Just look at them.



It's not just animal testing... It's also other cruelties towards animals that disgust me to no end. I guess everyone knows about that girl in a red hood throwing those poor puppies into a streaming river. How can people even bare to THINK of such things?! I just watched this short video of illegal turtle trade somewhere in Bangladesh... They are practically an't even express my sadness. I feel sick just to think about it, let alone write.


"A woman was punished and thrown into Hell-fire on account of her 
cat. She kept it tied up till it died of hunger; she never gave it 
something to eat nor drink, nor let it go so that it could eat things on 
earth." (Bukhari, Muslim)

The Prophet (pbuh) also said: "'Forgiveness was granted to a 
prostitute! She came upon a dog, at the moth of a well, which was 
panting and was about to die of thirst. She took off her leather sock, 
tied it with her headscarf and drew some water from the well for the 
dog. It was for this act of kindness that she was forgiven her sins." 
When asked, "Are we rewarded even for good we do to animals?" he 
replied, "Reward is given for good done to any living creature." 
(Bukhari, Muslim)

My head is hurting so much, I can't do much about it. However, this does not mean I don't at least PLAN to do anything. Before buying any other products, like makeup or cosmetics, make sure you are not financially aiding the torture of these poor animals... I'm not willing to spend one more cent towards this.

Secondly, I plan to do some more work on this, like joining PETA for example. I can't just sit here and watch, not for long. I can't even imagine seeing Giulio, or Tobi, or Misa, or any other animal dear to me under such suffering.

Thirdly, sorry for being boring, my head exploded and I just wanna cry :"(


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