Whenever I'm in the toilet...

Whenever I'm in the toilet...
...and i see a spider...i just don't go

If you were to hug something, it would be:

Spiderchat right here! (Whoa I keep adding "spider" before every word... I'm a spidermon!)

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hello my dearest little teddy bears/puppies!

It's faty and i'm high up on a sugar mountain. that's how anybody would feel after a 9 hours flight from hot but dry europe to very hot and humid asia. not to mention the 3 hours of waiting in the airport and 4 hours in the plane cuz some dude didnt get his hepatitis b vaccine and had to fish out his luggage from the gazillion ones in the plane.

and of course, some other dude of whom i posses half of my genes... just happens to be mentally challeged. NOT KIDDING. i missed my mom. now i got my ordinary life back - fa normal systematic yet fun life since i get to pick on mummy all day.

Umm... I got clothes all over my room, my apartment got a makeover while i was gone, everything is awesome except me - i'm still in my pj's (but then again its only 10 34 am) andmy hair and face sucks. no thanks to that dude i'm related to - that person thought it's be totally great to throw away all my cosmetics and essentials from MY luggage and pack in some more dates WHICH we can easily find here as well, contrary to my stuff.

and lastly- i still have to activate my internet connection! i'm using somebody else's - actually it's AIUB's - American University of Banglaesh - and guess what? its AWESOME! IT'S SO FAST! LIKE, WOW!

K by.


P.S. I feel emo now.


Faria said...



spider.kiss said...

i dunno, i didnt bring half of my possessions.