Whenever I'm in the toilet...

Whenever I'm in the toilet...
...and i see a spider...i just don't go

If you were to hug something, it would be:

Spiderchat right here! (Whoa I keep adding "spider" before every word... I'm a spidermon!)

ShoutMix chat widget

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Oh yay

Now I can post using my own Google account! Should've thought of this earlier :P Well actually I did but was too lazy to put it into action...

Anyway, Faty here. I've been feeling so down these days. But then a certain person surprised me by telling me they cared. Maybe a bit too much, but who cares! Uhh wait I care... CARE... Ughh I should stop using this word!

Anyway, my AS exams start in May and I'm busy studying x_x I just can't wait for this highschool period of my life to end and my university life start! I'm gonna study biochemistry and be a research biochemist! xP But I need to prepare myself...

So you got any ideas on how exactly I'm gonna do that? I'm gonna take AS, A2, SAT 1, SAT 2, and TOEFL soon. So I'm gonna start (restart actually) reading books and look up words. I got my "SAT Question of the Day" today and I don't get a word! Here it is:

"Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. 

With the 1969 film The Learning Tree, Gordon Parks proved what a truly ------- artist he was: he not only directed the film and composed its musical score, but also adapted its screenplay from his own novel.
A.  click to choose answer A   complacent
B.  click to choose answer B   protean
C.  click to choose answer C   lauded
D.  click to choose answer D   clairvoyant
E.  click to choose answer E   harried"
... Like, WTF? I don't know what ANY of those words mean!

And... what else? I thought about reading the Student BMJ regularly. Any other journal/blog/articles website that an avid biochemistry fan should read? Or an interesting one that I could read to pass my time and improve my vocab? Not to boast, but I'm awesome at English. But there's always room for improvement.

Maybe you could give me some topics on which I should write an essay on. What are other ways I could "prepare" myself?

Ahhh that''s about it.

A couple of other things that have happened recently - I just started using iGoogle! It's fun, you can customize your home page and everything! Like, for me, I always wanna see the news first thing when I open the Internet browser. So I got the news bar on the very top! And music of course =w= talking bout music, my iGoogle theme is Mike Shinoda's Glorious Excess! Talking about themes (and music), I just applied the "K-ON!" theme to my Google Chrome! It's so cute! Ahhh

ummmmmmm thats about it for tonight.

Wish me luck on my exams and pray like hell for me.

Buh bye, arachno-kisshes

P.S. I will love you. I will love you especially when you least deserve it.




Faria said...

the last gif is funny and weird when u look at it for a long time..................

and i've got my gcse science physics modular exam! so u better pray for me too!


Faty said...


Faria said...
