Whenever I'm in the toilet...

Whenever I'm in the toilet...
...and i see a spider...i just don't go

If you were to hug something, it would be:

Spiderchat right here! (Whoa I keep adding "spider" before every word... I'm a spidermon!)

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Roman Method/Style for Memorization

I've learnt this method from a teacher who recently went to Russia to see how their schools teach the children over there. Anyway...

What you do is imagine and make a room, which is yours, in your mind. This room has to be completely new, don't make it similar to anything you have seen in the past. Think about the furniture you want to add to it, make sure you have at least 3 pieces of furniture.

Now imagine the size of your room, it's smell, color, temperature, the texture of the materials, the furniture, the wood/metal/bricks, etc.

Continue adding more detail until the room design sticks to your mind and your subconscious. Got it memorized?

Keep on thinking about your room and visit it often.

After your room's been created and you know it's perfect, keep it like that, don't change anything.

Now this is the part where the memorization happens. Slowly, slowly, add the the information you want to memorize around the room, for example, if you want to remember a date, keep a calendar in the room with that date on it; if you want to remember a certain person, hang a portrait of him/her on the wall, etc.

After all the information has been added, it's time to draw your room on paper. Using a pencil and loads of colors, draw your room exactly the way you saw it in your mind. It doesn't matter of you're not really good at drawing - it's fine as long as you've got an idea. Add the info on the drawing too. When the drawing's done, it would be really good if you make a mind map using the info, that way you can test your memory and it's a good way to imprint the info on the paper and in your brain. Make sure to use loads of colors and pictures! That will help with the visualization.

If you want to add a set of completely different information, you could either add it in with the info you already have around the room, or make another room; which is still the same as the one you have now, except without the previously added information. Repeat the same process from before and you'll get it!

To remember all the info, keep on visiting your room from time to time and explore it: how do you feel, what is the atmosphere like, is the temperature hot, do you have another door? etc. You'll find that you'll be able to remember more stuff, it's like having a secret chamber of information that only you can view!

I'm not sure of this method will work on everyone, i'm still in the process of strengthening my perspective of my own room and it's details, but i think it will, it seems so fun and interesting!

Until next time, Lotifatishka!
SpiderKisses from Faria <3

Monday, September 19, 2011

6.9 Earthquake in South Asia!


Oh and guys, there has been a 6.9 earthquake that started from India and travelled all the way to the lands of Bangladesh!

When I first felt my couch shake, I thought it was a Jinn jumping on it or something... =.= I called my brothers and they were like no, the earth IS shaking! My mom got up with a jolt. The thing lasted for 2-3 minutes, and it was VERY tangible. I was wondering whether it was developing, so I hid under the table with my laptop and my phone. Fortunately, it eventually stopped.

No, we weren't scared, just amused =P (Maybe it's because we're Romans... Earthquakes are common.)

This has been the largest earthquake in 8 years in Bangladesh. Some people died in India, and there wear small damages in Bangladesh such as broken walls and glasses. Some people jumped from the windows in fear - which sounds really retarded. But it just demonstrates that Bangladesh doesn't have training in this department. =/ I wonder if they ever even had earthquake/fire drills!

Prolly not =.=

Anywho, the earthquake also hit Nepal and China - 30 people died til now. And oh I dunno, read the news.

My point is, as suddenly awesome as it was for me, it was pretty serious =/ Since all the latest natural calamities in Haiti, Pakistan, China, and most of all Japan, I've been wondering if anything is ever going to happen to Bangladesh soon! See, BD is ranked 6th in the world's most risky places.

The origin of the earthquake was in Sikkim, which is not a coastal area at all. So I dismissed the horrendous idea of a second tsunami. Still... who knows!

I prayed right after the shocks.

I mean, it's so scary to hear how much scarier it actually was! And how much scarier it can possibly get... =/ I pray that it won't!

Innanillah and alhamdulillah that it wasn't worse.

And hey, it made me stop writing a stupid boring story, so super alhamdulillah.





And then instead of a love story, I wrote a poem.

First draft:



There’s a blank page in my sketchbook
And I will fill it up
With minute, lead-flavored handwriting,
Because I can’t write enough
About the fireworks in my brain,
The thunderstorms in my soul,
And underwater volcanoes
Erupting in my heart.

I am yearning to feel your feverish heat
And your tiny, shiny eyes
Reflect their love on mine.
Darling, your scented voice
Is attracting the bees;
Don't let them steal my honey.
I will not file a lawsuit
While I myself can take care of these.

I’m thinking of the blood
I want on my hands
From killing you mother, your father, your friends.
Let’s have a funeral
For the supplemental population;
Who needs them when
You have me
And my unending adoration?

The rain is a pathway into the humid summer,
Or the Mediterranean winter,
Leading to a world where grows only love.
Let’s capture and cultivate
That feeling that stalks us
When we meet by the waters.
People frown, but I don’t bother,
And we just laugh.

I've had nightmares where you cry your heart out,
Alone, in an empty row house,
In the third darkness of the night.
You take refuge behind the love seat
Where we used to lay, in secrecy and peace.
I swear my cell phone is a drug dealer
With whom I exchange stolen credit
For your words, my pleasurable pills.

Although, reanalyzing these frightful syndromes,
I can find cure
In breaking my phone into pieces.
The distractions, I would then
Pick up and trade
For a dose of real, live, and rare kisses
And a painkiller embrace
Only you can create.

My father, a businessman, once said:
“Dear, I know nothing of business.”
It reminds me of how our love
Is like Mr. Lockwood’s bankrupt sardines;
While adding a zero
To the ‘10% off’ sign on my heat,
I ignore the bigger steaks outside
That are falling from above.

When you lingered over me,
Darling, you made my larynx lethargic.
One step closer and you would have heard
My body explode
As hot blood would have rushed out of my bones.
By now, you must know you got me;
Why else would I grab a knife?
It’s to stab that other girl that you might like!

I have had to endure despicable thoughts.
You thought: “How desperate a soul is hers,
She will haunt me for a long.”
You should have killed me
While you had it all.
Because now I’m killing everyone
In the pain of my own pleasures
That still make me fall.

It is indeed a feeling of liberation and glee
To taste the iron in my tears,
Feel the low pressure in my lungs,
Smear my fingertips with the graphite of my musings,
Taste the cappuccino in my tongue,
And dress up just the way you liked me to be.
And when I make the children smile
I see you smiling at me.

For years I have made myself  promise;
I will call my first son ‘Jonah’.
When we danced on the musk-filled rooftop,
Remember backing me up against a tree?
With a hint of madness in my breath
I asked you to apologize – to me –
Like Jonah, under the three depths
Of the dark sea.

‘Repent and sin no more!’
Says the painting on my wall.
You have always been stronger,
You face the world as you think you ought to be,
Face the fondness of the old and,
Quite comically, the giddy honeybees.
But darling, now is the moment –
Now, I need you to face me.


P.S. Post continued on the next entry! READ.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


There was 6.2 earthquake all over Bangladesh and (I dunno if all over) India. I was about to write a romantic love story but ya'll got saved from reading that crap.



An old idea


I feel like writing... just writing. I wanted to write about something some time ago, for some sort of competition, but I pulled out.

I'm known for pulling out of many things (ahem, nothing dirty, I wouldn't pull out of that).

Anywho, for a desperate try at retrieving my old self, to renew my new self, to bla bla bla let's get on with it.


What a person is and how he or she became such a person are not questions that can be answered in a few, simple words. I am estimating that approximately 9,320,493,483,742,309,482,387,233,429,348,329,843,294,832.5 words are needed to give only one twelvth of the full answer. That's right, I did all the calculations.

Actually no, I dropped mathematics the instant I was done with the 11th grade.

Another thing I dropped not so instantaneously after the 11th grade is my hatred for the world.

What, you were thinking I was about to say innocence? A positive feeling? Virginity even? To my own surprise...




Friday, September 16, 2011

Because It's Haram 2!

Just in case you haven't seen it yet...


More videos coming next, if only i remember to upload them...chosamnida...