Whenever I'm in the toilet...

Whenever I'm in the toilet...
...and i see a spider...i just don't go

If you were to hug something, it would be:

Spiderchat right here! (Whoa I keep adding "spider" before every word... I'm a spidermon!)

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A "Funny" Story by Fary

The last week of school is supposed to be fun, isn't it? So at math class my math teacher decided that we wouldn't do any boring math work, instead we had to write our own invented funny story that has something that shows math and stuff. For example: numbers falling out of the sky.

This is what I came up with:

The Dumb Superhero

 As soon as Jam heard the scream of a girl, who probably was a teenager, judging from her voice, he got up from his warm, wet bed...wait, what!? Wet!? oh no, he did it again...

 After 5.2 minutes of cleaning up, Jam got ready to get ready. He brushed his teeth, did his hair, put on his superhero costume and flew out of his window.

 Analysing the scream, Jam figured out where the voice had come from, inside the haunted ally of ABC123 Street. Peeking inside, Jam saw no one was there. 'I know the scream came from here, probably from the kitchen.', thought Jam. So he tiptoed inside the kitchen, and what he saw was very shocking. So shocking that he realised his pants got soaked...again. 'Oops!'

'Who are you?', shouted a man from accross the kitchen, behind the table.
 The man was wearing a black sock on his head with 2 holes for his eyes and 1 for his mouth. This fact indicated to Jam that the man was probably a burgler.
'Well? Are you gonna reply or not, old man?', shouted again the burgler.
'You want to know who i am?'
'Duh!', said the burgler, 'that's what i asked a minute ago!'
'Okay, i am the great Jam, The Dumb Superhero that always saves the day!'
'Hmmm', mumbled the burgler, 'what's 2x10?'
'150?No!It's 200! Yup, it's 200!', replied Jam.
'Wow, you really are dumb. Anyway, i assume you came here to save someone?'
'Yes, indeed. Now tell me, Where's the girl who screamed at exactly 5:32 am?'
'...Um, that "girl" was me, there was a cockroach on the-'
'- O my GOD! You're actually a girl!?', Jam squealed.
'No,no! I'm a man. You didn't even let me finish what i was gonna say...any way, you came her to 'save' the one who screamed,right?'
'Right!', exclaimed Jam for no reason ( he could have just plainly replied, but No! He just had to exclaim like all heroes do. I'm getting tired of people like that. ).
'Then you're not needed. See, i just screamed because there was a cockroach on the table. Those little devils give me the creeps! Jeesh! But, no harm done. So, you can go now...'
'Oh thanks! I'm relieved! I can catch up with my sleep now!....right after i shower first....ugh! I hate having showers, they make me all wet and remind me of the OTHER ways i mostly get wet by.'

 Jam left the haunted ally happily, relieved that no one got harmed. All of a sudden, Jam stopped at the middle of the road. ' Did i forget something?...boh.' Thought Jam. He began walking again, just in time before he almost got hit by a car.

 Back at the ally, the burgler was grinning, 'Heh! He forgot about me! No super hero can get dumber that him!'

Well, that's my story! I hope you liked it! 

Spider Kisses!