Whenever I'm in the toilet...

Whenever I'm in the toilet...
...and i see a spider...i just don't go

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Friday, August 27, 2010

A very disturbing dream. Somebody give me an Interpretation.

Im So Tired

Did you realize that whenever you are really tired and need to sleep, like, when you're so sleepy that you can't keep yourself awake, you dream things that are usually more disturbing than usual? Like nightmares. Well, I don't have nightmares, but the dreams I dream when I'm super sleepy and/or tired are ALMOST as bad.

As you may or may not know, I came from Europe to Asia only a few days ago. So i'm having problems with fixing my schedule. I take a 5-hours long nap from 1 pm - 6 pm, stay awake almost all night, etc. I'm also having problems with my diet and recently feel very tired.

Today, when I went to sleep at around 1.30 pm, my dream began quite nicely. I dreamt that Billy Joe (yes, GREEN DAY'S lead vocalist BILLY JOE ARMSTRONG!) called me in my phone. He lived in a deserted island and was calling me to just say hi, how are ya, etc... like, totally casual. like, WOW!

But that was the only highlight.

Later on I went to that island and met the doctor who circumcised my bros and my cozes. He was like: "you've sinned a lot. so you have to ask me for forgiveness." I was like, wth? Astaghfirullah! Ain't I supposed to be doing that to God? Then Fari's mom came (my aunt) and said: "No! You have to ask for forgiveness to a Jinn!" (That's a spirit who are just like humans except they have super powers, are stronger, but dumber.) "That's what I did!" Okaaaaaaaaay... Astaghfirullah again...

And then I woke up, still half sleepy, and realized that Husen Mama (my uncle) was in my room and my mom was outside, bang-uhm knocking on my door. Husen Mama was making fun of her while she was saying something about my friend (Asif) waiting for me downstairs and that he said something about a lake. I instantly remembered that I had romised him to donate some money to a nursing home for disabled people and that I would give him the donation near the lake. I started to get up but... I couldn't! I was literally paralyzed! I was trying my hardest to move... but I only managed to raise my right arm! Mom continued bang-knocking, and Husen Mama kept laughing at her.

And after a while of that I woke up.

... Yeah, I said that I woke up earlier, but that "waking up" was actually part of the dream. huh. And I noticed that there was no Husen Mama. I thought I could hear a faint bang-knocking, so I got up (oh so slowly), put on my glasses, opened the door and exclaimed "What?!"

... but no Mom was there standing behind the door. Well, actually she was there, but she wasnt behind the door. she was sitting on the floor watching TV. She looked at me weird for a second and went back to mind her own business.

Umm... okay, so that was weird... well I was weird. I went back to sleep and the next time I woke up I thought I heard a female voice behind me saying something softly, like "What is it..?" I was so shocked but irritated that I didnt look behind me (still on my bed, i was lying on my side) and went back to sleep.

Umm... that's it.

Now, there are some points to consider. It might have been a Jinn! Cause if it werent, why would I dream of somebody telling me to virtually "worship" one? astaghfirullah (i love saying that... my cousin Sam knows why :3) But then again, that dream made me wake up. Somebody, my mom, was calling me in the dream. That's what made me wake up. Just in time for the afternoon prayer! So was it God?

Okay so i may sound religious here. Well, gguess what, I am religious. But that doesnt mean I have a boring life. But back to the topic...

You know the part where I was paralyzed? It had happened before as well. Like, 5 or 6 times. I would be parayzed in a dream-like state, and then usually I would recite some holy verses and everything would go normal again and I would wake up wondering if it was a dream, a Jinn, or I simply went nuts for a while.

Also, the girly voice behind me creeped me out! WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT!?

Boh. I;dd rather not talk about it anymore.

Oh, and one more part of the first dream I forgot to mention. Somebody (in the dream!) had died! It was an elderly English woman. When she died, and my aunt I think was giving some speech, my cousins started crying. Noman started crying like a little baby... As for me, I didn't even KNOW who the heck that woman was! So I pretended I was sad too but I didn't cry. Then Noman hovered over my head (wth???!), his face totally wet with tears, and screamed at me "WHY AREN'T YOU CRYING?! YOU SELFISH GIRL!" I was like "Because I'm not an emotional idiot like you!" and my autn i think told me that it's better that I go out of the room. And noman was still cyring, and crying, and crying...

... I'd like to take this opprtunity to ask my cozes: did somone die?? O__O""

Umm, k, bye now.

P.S. I don't even know If I should post this, but... here goes:

... because.kissing.spider.is.awesome...?...


Faria said...


Sam Shahidul said...

It is so damn funny at the same time freaky! but no1 died! i think..... i sometimes hav dreams that im TOTALLY paralized wen there is a tsunami i try to run but im always in the same spot! or wen im sleeping there is a thief right on the windows infront of me! i try to move n i cant! and Faty u Misspelled allot!


Faty said...

sam its just an internet blog not a book or schoolwork so it doesnt matter if i made typos :/

and by paralyxed i mean paralyzed in MY BED. it feels like i just woke up and then got paralyzed. not anywhere else... just on the bed.

glad to hear nobody died...

Sam Shahidul said...

oh i Faty i thought u mean in dreams i mean by ur "Writing" i guess not in the dream because i get it in dreams

spider.kiss said...

nono, it is in a dream, but in the dream i wake up in my bed. then i wake up a second time, this time for real ._. its like dreaming that its a dream, or waking uo in a dream... ftw

Unknown said...

lol...my name in your dreams....ha ha..
tao abar gulshan lake...
lets meet tomorrow...