Whenever I'm in the toilet...

Whenever I'm in the toilet...
...and i see a spider...i just don't go

If you were to hug something, it would be:

Spiderchat right here! (Whoa I keep adding "spider" before every word... I'm a spidermon!)

ShoutMix chat widget

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Anonymous post

I wanted to send this on facebook, but hey, I got blocked. Anyway if you're not someone who goes by the name of "Crescent", don't read. Unless you feel cold and lost in desperation, you build up hope but failure's all you've know etc. etc. oh you know the drill =.=

"Listen, don’t you worry about that boy. Just thank God that you will never have to meet him in person! Also you should pray that he becomes a better person.

A word of advice- never give your trust to someone until you know everything about them. Unfortunately, you and I trusted the wrong people and they took advantage of our trust. But God knows what’s good for us—I’m sure He made us suffer in this way because He wanted to teach us some things.

One day you will meet a person who will treasure your trust and wont hurt you on purpose. Just believe in God, and whatever happens, you will know that it’s His will.

And don’t you ever hate yourself. Maybe you may think that you have made mistakes, but that doesn’t mean you should hate yourself. God doesn’t want you to feel pain; he wants you to stand up and keep going! I used to hate myself, for years. But finally I have understood that Allah loves his creations; therefore He loves me, so I should take care of myself. You should take care of yourself too, for you family’s sake, your friends’ sake, but most importantly for God’s sake.

The best way to deal with the pain is to forgive and let it go. I used to think that if I just let it go, I’ll be a bad person. But that’s not true. So don’t blame yourself for wanting to be happy.

Of course I haven’t forgotten the pain, and I don’t think I will. But I shouldn’t try to remember it either! Believe me, it works if you start to think that Allah just wants you to keep moving on!"



And this doesn't have anything to with anything, but I love this song. I know, random. But I love randomness.THUMBS DOWN TO ALL THE HATERS, (oops caps), "A Thousand Suns" is amazing!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Very Finley Happy

I'm so happy today! Not only did I get wonderful reviews from the nicest people on the internet (that reside in deviantART), but I also got a lot of anger off my chest. And to top it off...

My 'fiance' "Finley" just visited Faria's house today! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH~ <3


Fary's deviantART~

 Hey! I just got a deviantART account and now i'm an artist! Yaaay!
deviantART is so awesome! The people there and their art are so nice! Definitely check it out!
Just click on the link above!

Here's one of my master pieces:


Nothing, really.

So I opened a DeviantArt account and put on some pics there... I got some people to put two of them in their faves, one in their collection, the other in some gallery, and I got some cute comments. I feel loved! Here're the pics.

~This is something me and and my cosin and my little brother came up with... We painted this on the wall!

~As for this pic, I'm just in love with it. Deidara is my favorites Naruto character, and Giulio was my first baby ever... God, I miss him. Can't wait to see his babies!


P.S. We get at least one pageview for the entyr "Oh Yay". And it's all because of the K-On! gifs!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Moochiha Moodara

"HI EVERYO----" And my voice broke D: Anyway, meet Mr. Muchiha Mudara, the half human, one quarter puppet, one quarter hand, with a perky voice who decided to make a random appearance in the SpiderKiss Channel. And when I say random, I mean COMPLETELY RANDOM!

Why is the above para in rainbow format? Because I felt like making a tribute to my HomoSnail.


P.S. And NO, that's not an alcoholic beverage I'm holding in that gif.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Ideas are flooding in

As you all know, it's exam time for almost everyone. And it's a hard time for everyone too! You have to study hard, but sometimes ALWAYS, you get distracted by something...

And here's a confession; I haven't admitted this to anyone ever, but here it is...


... I have ADHD.

It translates into Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.  Basically they get distracted easily. Here's the few symptoms that match my condition. I:

  • Am easily distracted, miss details, forget things, and frequently switch from one activity to another.
  • Have difficulty maintaining focus on one task
  • Become bored with a task after only a few minutes, unless doing something enjoyable
  • Have difficulty focusing attention on organizing and completing a task or learning something.
  • Daydream, become easily confused, and move slowly.
  • Have difficulty processing information as quickly and accurately as others.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I:
  • Talk nonstop
  • Dash around, touching or playing with anything and everything in sight
  • Am constantly in motion, so I fall all the time...

  • Have difficulty doing quiet tasks or activities!

Infact if I have to do something, I need to be loud at it! (Wow, HUGE innuendo there. [lol])

I also:

  • Am very impatient
  • Blurt out inappropriate comments, show my emotions without restraint
  • Have difficulty waiting for things I want or waiting my turns in games.

Which explains why when I see a "how to" video tutorial, I can't WAIT to do IT!

.... And now you know why my hair is shorter than usual... No wait, you don't, 'cause you probably dunno what I'm talking about!

... I was saying... (See, I get distracted easily!)


And now you know why I hate exam time with all my heart.


All I wanna do is make some videos with Faria and go raid Charlie's crib.


P.S. No, actually I don't know if I have ADHD! I still have to get diagnosed for thaAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BUG ON MY KEYBOARD

    Happy Happy Me!

     I just wanna write an entry about how much i LOVE my cousin Faty - it's not the gay kinda love FYI.

     We've known each other since the day i was born, we also grew up together. At first we weren't friends. I had always tried to become friends with her, that is why i used to agree with and copy her ALL THE TIME when we were kids. 

    And finally, on August 2007, when it was the last month my siblings and i were gonna stay in Italy before departing for London,to live there forever, we realised (Faty and i), that we were gonna miss each other like CRAZY. And from that day on, we've been the closest of friends and family, although we now live apart from each other (i think you already knew this...yup, we told ya about this on our 2nd post). But thanks to the modern tech world, we can contact each other through the computer! YAY!

    Guess who's who!...I'll  just tell you: Faty is the one with her hand on her face,
    and i'm the kid who's sticking her tongue out!

     We see each other in person during summer holidays, always. We have as much fun as two girls can ever have - not the wrong type of fun, i.e. clubbing,drugs or whatnot.

    Summer 2009 i think. 

     I just can't wait till it's summer again so that we can see each other again. And, the day she arrives at the London Airport, will be one of the days i'll remember the most. I will welcome her with the darkest of chocolates (that i might need to tell one of my friends who lives in Essex to buy for me - she'll know which dark chocolate is the best to purchase). And when i see her, the first thing i'll do is hug her while shoving dark chocolate down her throat, but gently in order to NOT choke her - 'cause that would be fatal...

    Mmmmm....chocolatey goodness...

     Any who, for now, all that i can do is make arrangements, hope and pray for the best, Inshallah (if God wills), Ameen.
     And may God's light shine upon us all (that includes you)! Ameen!


    P.S. this is a short thingamajingy:

    I don't wanna see you cry,
    Not at any time.
    I wanna see you smile everyday,
    And see the pain fade away,
    Make it last all day,
    Throughout your life.

    Friday, May 20, 2011

    This stuff is in crappy quality and I don't understand why! x_x

    Give Me a Sign

    Watch this either here, or at full-screen on youtube. DO NOT watch this on small screen on youtube 'cause Steven Tyler's ugly face witll distract (and disturb) you.


    Thursday, May 19, 2011

    Ugly Scarf Awareness

    You know the major disadvantage of being a Muslim girl (that doesn't have anything to do with being a racial discrimination victim)?

    It's that in addition to being exposed to the random tragedy of bad hair days, you can also suffer from a BAD SCARF DAY.

    It's amazing how one bad folding of your scarf can make you look like THAT ^ D:

    Anywho, to entertain you further, here are some funny and/or stupid scarf ideas.

    LOL v


    Is that a glove? Or a scarf wrapped around her hand? =/ 


    Millions of people around the world, especially those wearing Hijab, suffer from bad scarf days. This may be due to randomness, or they're just wearing ugly scarves. Or maybe both. Fortunately for me, my bad scarf days are of the random type, but that is only because I'm aware of the dangers of ugly scarves. I also think it is our duty to spread the word of this danger around. It's really easy; just pass put up this Ugly Scarf Awareness ribbon in your profile or blog! Save the life of an innocent lacking fashion sense ignorant scarfer.


    Tuesday, May 17, 2011

    After today...

     You know what happened? You don't so I'm gonna tell you.

    Today I had my practical exam for AS level Physics. I dunno about UK people, but outside the UK we have our exams in different venues, and almost always not in our school. I had this exam in this school called St. Joseph or something. For this paper there were three sessions of the same exam; morning, noon, and afternoon. I was unfortunately on the afternoon session, so I had to come at 10 am and wait there until 3pm, take my exam, leave at around 5pm.

    Now, this St. Joseph's school is one of the best schools in the country. So I think OK, it's not gonna be that bad waiting 5 hours in here. TURNS OUT that they made us wait in one classroom! We were all jammed in there and I thing I've gone deaf!

    Then I had to go to the bathroom, and remembered something: that THIS IS AN ALL BOYS SCHOOL, means 0 LADIES' RESTROOMS, 0 MIRRORS, AND 90% URINALS!!!

    WTF! D:

    I didn't have to pee in the urinal (couldn't have even if I tried, it's not like I have the aim =.=), there was a "normal" toilet but it was still weird and smelt of penis, so that was one of the most disturbing urinating sessions ever. And haven't you seen what happens to a girl when she is separated from her mirror reflection? BAD BAD THINGS. (Refer to Tawni Hart in the episode "Cookie Monsters" of Sonny with a Chance.)

    The exam was pathetic, we had to hang a wooden rod on different width of paper strips, which was really stupid and not so hard, but a pain nonetheless! =.=

    About the 5 hours... 7 including the exam... In this time I was able to meet a lot of new people. They were different in their own ways; a lot of diversity, a lot of colors, a lot of everything. And my conclusion?



    I don't hate Bangladesh. I don't hate Bengali people either. I actually met some cool people. Unfortunately I also saw a lot of rubbish, and there is no way I can stay here at this stage any longer.

    February is the month when I'll be leaving for good for a long-term period. So until next Valentine's, I shall cross my fingers, work damn hard, kill loads of some people, and shoot any boy who tries contact with me.



    Saturday, May 14, 2011

    ...and STUDY GIFS

     Dear Exams,

    You suck.
    I don't want to study.
    I just wanna dance:

    When i think of you, i feel like doing this:

    I imagine you being the blade on this thing:

    But i know that i can kill you, 'cause i can fly, just like this GIF shows:
    Anime Gif

    This GIF also shows that the girl doesn't actually fly....

    And I imagine that if i slap you, you're gonna slap me back,but harder:

    It's an endless war.
