Whenever I'm in the toilet...

Whenever I'm in the toilet...
...and i see a spider...i just don't go

If you were to hug something, it would be:

Spiderchat right here! (Whoa I keep adding "spider" before every word... I'm a spidermon!)

ShoutMix chat widget

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sham Whoo Hoo

-by Faty
So with only 5 days left before I have my first AS exam, I'm studying like hell. With some luck I'll get 4 As... Although what I'm most worried about is... wait, nobody cares.
Well anywho, I am currently revising the chapter in my Bio book called "Immunity", and when I went googling for diagrams I found this cute one.

I shall send you some cute B lymphocyte kisses so that you may be blessed with T cells and hugged by millions of antibodies and then meet a sweetheart macrophage along the way or, if you're luckier, get asked to dinner by a hot T cytosexic... I mean, cytotoxic cell.
.......Ok that was kinda weird... I don't like Biology, so it's understandable.

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