Whenever I'm in the toilet...

Whenever I'm in the toilet...
...and i see a spider...i just don't go

If you were to hug something, it would be:

Spiderchat right here! (Whoa I keep adding "spider" before every word... I'm a spidermon!)

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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Anonymous post

I wanted to send this on facebook, but hey, I got blocked. Anyway if you're not someone who goes by the name of "Crescent", don't read. Unless you feel cold and lost in desperation, you build up hope but failure's all you've know etc. etc. oh you know the drill =.=

"Listen, don’t you worry about that boy. Just thank God that you will never have to meet him in person! Also you should pray that he becomes a better person.

A word of advice- never give your trust to someone until you know everything about them. Unfortunately, you and I trusted the wrong people and they took advantage of our trust. But God knows what’s good for us—I’m sure He made us suffer in this way because He wanted to teach us some things.

One day you will meet a person who will treasure your trust and wont hurt you on purpose. Just believe in God, and whatever happens, you will know that it’s His will.

And don’t you ever hate yourself. Maybe you may think that you have made mistakes, but that doesn’t mean you should hate yourself. God doesn’t want you to feel pain; he wants you to stand up and keep going! I used to hate myself, for years. But finally I have understood that Allah loves his creations; therefore He loves me, so I should take care of myself. You should take care of yourself too, for you family’s sake, your friends’ sake, but most importantly for God’s sake.

The best way to deal with the pain is to forgive and let it go. I used to think that if I just let it go, I’ll be a bad person. But that’s not true. So don’t blame yourself for wanting to be happy.

Of course I haven’t forgotten the pain, and I don’t think I will. But I shouldn’t try to remember it either! Believe me, it works if you start to think that Allah just wants you to keep moving on!"



And this doesn't have anything to with anything, but I love this song. I know, random. But I love randomness.THUMBS DOWN TO ALL THE HATERS, (oops caps), "A Thousand Suns" is amazing!


badr said...

thank you for those words..ive just read dem now..it really made me feel better ..i was crying now...
but those words somehow made me feel better ..
im sorry for everything......i leftt tht group ...i felt so stupid ...
may Allah bless you..
and i m sorry for talking to you this way...
it is not because of ur words...but wallahi i always feel bad whn i talk like dis wid anyone............its not my nature wallahi...
i just got hurt so badly ...nd it damaged many good feelings in me....and when u r in such state u just cant take other's criticism u just need someone to tell you its ok dun cry everything will be fine...and i did not really find the person that wud tell me those when i needed...i just found people makin fun of me...i made a mistake and i know that very well....i just needed someone to tell me its okkk u'll stand up again ..but i did not find .... ... im sorry ..

Faty said...

aww thats really sweet. and please understand i wasnt trying to mock you when i said that you cant make friends over the internet. i was jst saying that you shud be more careful because they might hurt you if you trust them too much. :) the internet is sometimes more dangerous than the real world.
and dont worry anymore about these stupid things. you have a whole life ahead of you. I'm sure Allah has a lot in serve for you in the future :) you deserve the best.