Whenever I'm in the toilet...

Whenever I'm in the toilet...
...and i see a spider...i just don't go

If you were to hug something, it would be:

Spiderchat right here! (Whoa I keep adding "spider" before every word... I'm a spidermon!)

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hello my little spiders.

So how's everyone doing? I'm doing fine, and I plan to keep it that way, you can call me if you feel like you've got something to say... Oh, wait, that's a song. Oops, sorry!

Anyways, theres not much to talk about. There is, but I dunno where to start! Ok, I'm gonna write a dozen of random words, and after that, I'll scan them over and write about stuff that is SOMEHOW connected to them (that happened recently).

Ready? Go!


Ah, what a lame list! Let's try again!

Maple syrup
Goliath National Bank
Barney Stinson
My cat just slapped me

... UGH! One more round! This is gonna be the last!

Remote control
The Bachelorette
Qatar airways
Got to Dance
Giving up already?

Hey, the last one is a three-word phrase from Kingdom Hearts. Riku used to say that all the time in the first game. V_V

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics


1. Remote control? Me and the boys have been watching TV all day long. Done.

2. Puppet? I feel like I have string sttached, and that somebody is controlling me. You know those moments when you seem not to feel anything? I'm having them 80% of the day. I wish I could feel something, ANYTHING, but I can't. And puppets, puppets don't have emotions. They're emotionless. And can't control their motions... let alone emotions if they have any.

3. Embarassed? Do you ever sit down and think of all the times you've been embarassed? And I'm not talking about wetting your bed, or getting slapped by your girlfriend in public, or having your mom pick you up after college. I'm talking about humiliation. How revolting is it? Whenever I think about all the times I have been majorly humiliated, I feel sick to my stomach. Something else about humiliation: it doesn't only happen in front of a public, it can happen in front of one person only, or maybe even with yourself. The point is it sucks, and I hate myself for the humiliation i had to suffer.  Learn from your mistakes? Sure, I think that's one of the biggest lessons in life. But how exactly are you supposed to do that when you just got slapped in the face for being plain stupid? Ugh, I lost track of what I was writing, it's that intense! Anyway... Humble, yes, humiliated, NO.

4. Uglyness? I look so ugly nowadays. I don't sleep much, have a lot running through my head and lost my appetite for proper food and instead grew a deep fondness for caffeine, which has a dehydrating effect on your body and makes you look like a zombie! I could always drink decaf, but we don't have any decaf stash! All we have is good old tea, milk coffee, and cappuccino. Hmm... cappuccino... with chocolate sprinkled on top... So creamy, so steamy, so soft... I was saying? Ugly? People around me got more uglier too. You know who you are... Well actually you don't. Or maybe you do, but I don't know that, and don't have the energy to speculate on that either.

5. The Bachelorette? A few weeks ago there was this reality show called "The Bachelor (Season 11)" which is about this guy who wants to find true love and get married, so 25 women from across America are chosen (dunno how) to compete against each other to win his heart. I thought at first it was all lame, sex, boobs, pool parties, and lame, but I watched some episodes... It was LAME! (Did I say that already?!) I dunno about the previous seasons, but I didn't like it much. I mean, there wasn't much originality, except for a few things. Like, there was one episode where the guy's twin brother hung out with the girls without them knowing who he really was, and the real guy watching on a cam if they could tell something was different... Anyway, I'd rate it 4/10! The guy had beaver teeth! And besides <SPOILER> in the end he didn't choose anyone! Seriously?! </SPOILER>. ANYWAY... The Bachelorette is like that but the main protagonist is a woman. I saw the first episode today and I liked it! I saw the preview of the next one and that was pretty cool too! Besides I'd rather watch 25 men getting brutal with each other, fighting for one woman, rather than 25 girls doing all sorts of stupid things. Oh, and did I mention that ALL they did was talk baout their feelings?! How could the bachelor stand it! Maybe he's gay, that's why <SPOILER>he didn't choose anyone and left everyone broken-hearted.</SPOILER>

6. Yolk? Yesterday I was fasting so instead of eating my scrambled egg for breakfast I gave the eggwhite to my cats and put the yolk in the freezer (because yolk is bad for cats). Today I took it out and ate it. I love yolk. Love it.

... Hey, 6 more to go? Nah, I'm too lazy. I'll blog later! ... Well at leat now I got an incentive to blog! :D

Buh bye.


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