Whenever I'm in the toilet...

Whenever I'm in the toilet...
...and i see a spider...i just don't go

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Monday, January 31, 2011

Project Mita - Conclusion!

"After two months of careful planning and preparation and one and a half months of hard work, we have finally come to the successful completion of Project Mita! Commenced by the Physically-challenged Development Foundation's (PDF's) English Medium Branch, the Project was made effective by 116 volunteers carrying out 15 projects, organizing 13 events, influencing the lives of 1500 deprived people and being the cause of 1000 giant smiles on the faces of the under-privileged children who were the main protagonists of it all!

Working amongst all these different characters was simply magical. We were able to bring so many young people into working for the betterment of our countrymen's lives. So many more high- and middle-class people are now appreciative of and caring for the Physically-Challenged and the destitutes, thanks to our awareness campaigns. We were able to observe the lives of these people with more depth: it was an eye-opening experience to see first-hand their living conditions and wonder how this can be enough for them to live. This project was truly of a different kind, as it treated these disadvantaged people as our own brothers and sisters. We are proud to say that this time around they did not receive used clothes form our refuse collection, rather new and branded clothes and blankets, as real presents. Last, but not least, we ourselves were affected by this project: we are now more inclined to improve ourselves as people.

We were given nothing in return, except that warm feeling in our hearts telling us that we just made a significant difference. We can now close our eyes at night with the thought of all the people whose lives we lightened with a small but meaningful spec of happiness. All those "Mita's" that we supported and gave hope to. All those children we helped and made aware of the fact that there are a lot of people out there who don't think of them as trash, but really care for them and want them to be part of the new generation. And, of course, all the people whose idea we have changed about those in need, and convinced them to actually want to go out there and contribute, instead of playing the part of silent spectators.

Charity is not simply the knowledge of people being poor, the disposal of your used objects to them and giving your change to a begger in the street. Rather, it is the acceptance and love for the people who have it worse than you in so many ways, the belief that they should not be treated as inferiors, and the will to race out of the house to help them in any way you can. Lastly, true philantrophy is believing that all this altruistic work you are doing is for the bright future of the population as a whole, and always figuring out creative new ways to make the world a better place for everyone."

special spider-kisses, spread the love around!!!

P.S. Some links:

Physically-challenged Development Foundation (PDF)

Project Mita (Facebook event page)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*thumbs up*